Quality & Certification
"DASKO GmbH has been certified to IFS-Logistics Higher Level since 05.09.2016"
Since 05.09.2016, we have been certified according to the IFS Logistics Standard at "Higher Level". The standard includes all criteria that are necessary for the safe handling of your products.
All quality assurance measures, such as employee training, food defense regulations, hygiene measures, emergency plans, etc., are defined, documented and checked and monitored by independent auditors.
BIO certification
The handling of organic food requires separate control and safe storage.
This is because products that come from organically controlled cultivation are not treated with synthetic chemical substances. It is therefore important to subject these products to special storage conditions. With our trained staff and a warehouse certified for organic products, these foods are stored safely and, if required, transported just as safely.
Would you like to find out more?
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TSV Wietzendorf Sponsoring
Dasko GmbH supports the 1st men's soccer team of TSV Wietzendorf.
We are delighted to be part of this likeable team and wish all the players unforgettable matches and triumphant successes.